
Our project for Techcombank, focusing on creating four one-minute films for their marathon event, centered around the intimate stories and love of running shared by four renowned Vietnamese individuals. Our collaboration with 'From Another' as the executive producer and Booncha Studios brought a unique perspective to this endeavor, aiming to delve into the personal narratives and inspirations driving these individuals in their running journeys.


The conceptual framework of the films was to highlight not just the physical aspect of running, but its deeper, more personal significance for each individual. We aimed to portray running as a medium for self-discovery, resilience, and community building. Each film was crafted as a unique narrative, exploring themes like personal growth, family bonding, cultural identity, and challenging societal norms. These stories aimed to resonate with a broad audience, showcasing the transformative power of running in creating personal and collective narratives.


The visual and narrative style of the films was designed to be authentic and relatable. We focused on natural lighting and real-life settings to ensure the genuineness of each story. Creative techniques like match cuts were used to evoke a sense of unity among the individuals, despite their physical absence from each other. The decision to use a varied and emotionally resonant soundtrack for each documentary further personalized the stories, adding depth to the characters' experiences.

These films for the Techcombank marathon were more than just promotional content; they were a tapestry of human experiences and emotions, woven through the universal language of running. By bringing these intimate stories to the forefront, we not only celebrated the spirit of the marathon but also connected with the audience on a deeper, more emotional level. This project stands as a testament to our ability to create impactful, narrative-driven content that goes beyond conventional storytelling.


La Mer


Louis Vuitton Series