✨Voyage to the Heart: Tradition and Innovation in La Mer 2023 CNY campaign ✨

In the world of contemporary design, where technology often dominates, "Voyage to the Heart," stands out as a blend of tradition and innovation. Creative direction and post-production made with @fromanother

CNY is a time for reflection, symbolized by the campaign's main character, the rabbit, and the concept that "All life comes from water." Water, a symbol of life and renewal, serves as the guiding theme, brought to life through cutting-edge CGI embroidery.

Film made by The Mill Shanghai - Directed by Barry Greaves


Renowned illustrator Chris Yee played a pivotal role in translating this vision into reality. His artistic mastery added depth and authenticity to the campaign, breathing life into the intricate details of the artwork.

It also involved extensive research and development. The team delved into the heart of Chinese artistic traditions, exploring the wonders of #shanshui. This deep dive into heritage combined with innovative techniques resulted in an exquisite 16K resolution artwork that captures the essence of both the past and the future.

Final renders

"Voyage to the Heart" demonstrates how creative innovation can bridge tradition and innovation, connecting with audiences on a profound level. It reminds us of the enduring value of honoring our cultural heritage in a changing world. This campaign, enriched by the talents of Chris Yee and driven by meticulous R&D, guides us on a journey back to our roots, where tradition and the future meet.

This creative odyssey was masterfully guided by the expertise of the team. Creative direction by Robin Mahieux, art direction by Vicki Dang, illustration by Chris Yee, and the intricate 3D work by Tin all played pivotal roles in crafting this visual masterpiece. The production was seamlessly handled by Monopo Saigon, ensuring that the campaign's vision was brought to life with precision and finesse.


OnePlus 12 mini series

