The label' Mind of a Genius' reached out to us to create a music video for the artist Mindchatter and gave us complete control over the creative concept and direction.

As the project happened to be during the pandemic, the inspiration came from the moment we ask ourselves this question: where would the outside of earth want to be happy and be dancing forever, especially during this pandemic? We tried to describe a world where we could be running on the massive fields, breathing the fresh air without having to come back from where we were, discovering worlds endlessly, as an echo to one of the big question humanity have been asking:

what's next?

This song reminds us about being free of the burdens of every day, so we thought of a character with no physical being to represent that idea. We want to convey a good story.

Thus, the man who finds a pair of goggles that changes his life came into our minds. He represents the enlightened being that figures out the common problems but decides to be joyful instead, eventually starts dancing his ways to happiness. We only had one month to finish and we also wanted to develop a personal dancing style and human-like movements for the character. As a note, the client was in New York, so we had to make everything entirely remotely.

We wanted to emphasize escapism as the primary goal.

Hence, the actual shoot versus the dreamy 3D part came into place. With the street of Saigon, our friend and DOP, Ray Lavers, quickly did the real-life shoots in 2 hours during the quarantine time. To ensure our main character is getting lost, we thought dancing is the best way to portray it, especially when the main character is invisible. We asked our choreographer La Zung to do a quick freestyle on top of the music, motion-captured for 3D animation. Vicki and Robin worked together to create the worlds and rhythms inside the MV to deliver the feeling of being free. It is not like we knew every step what the MV would look like, but we wanted to be free to create, just like the song itself.

Behind the scenes


Behind the scenes 〰️


Saigon Souls


FreeFire x ST MTP